Weekend Edition

Porter Magazine and macaronsWeekends are made for catching up on magazines and indulging in treats (after you’ve finished with all the chores left over from the rest of the week!). After I’m done with some house cleaning and grocery shopping, I plan on taking some time for myself and tuning out the world. If you can find some time for yourself this weekend, here are a few links that you’ll enjoy!

  • New York Fashion Week wrapped up on September 11th. It’s always a picturesque whirlwind of celebrities and the very best of style. I love seeing what the designers have dreamed up for Spring 2015.
  • Although you’ll find me browsing through the London markets on most Saturday mornings, I wouldn’t mind going to the market with Marissa Cox in the tiny village of Gordes in Provence. What a perfect place to find something for a weekend brunch.
  • I don’t feel so bad saying goodbye to summer berries when pears like this are in my near future.