Enchanted Vilnius

20170530_135249 (2)Sometimes taking a leap of faith, or a road trip, to a place unknown can lead to the most beautiful surprises. When my cousin proposed a visit to Vilnius, Lithuania during my three week stay in Europe, I wasn’t immediately swept off my feet. I dreamt of Vienna, Prague or Stockholm. The small country  of Lithuania was never on my radar as a tourist destination. Images of many former eastern block nations danced in my head like a depressing film noir. What could I possibly see or enjoy in Lithuania for one day, let alone three! I was primed to be enchanted.

The six hour comfort bus ride from Bialystok (for which I paid $38 round trip!) to Vilnius was filled with naps and stork spotting, wifi and snacks. I barely realized how much time had passed when we pulled into Lithuania’s capital city. A city where almost 700 years of history mingles to highlight its past with the emerging bright future. Where any visitor with euros in their pocket and speaking nothing more than English can feel at ease. Where I was reminded of how much this city and country were a part of my own Polish heritage.

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Vilnius is definitely going on the “must return” list. I hope you will travel there yourself and become enchanted!


Marché Mövenpick – Market Style Dining in Toronto

Food station at Marche Restaurant TorontoA few years ago, I was flying to Toronto from a trip abroad. I was seated next to a business man making his first visit to the city. We spoke about a number of things and food easily slipped in as a topic of conversation. When he asked me about a unique dining experience in downtown Toronto there was only one answer. Marché Restaurant.

Marché is a “front cooking” concept restaurant which originated in Switzerland and boasts a number of franchises around the world. Located on Front Street, in the business district of Toronto, it’s designed like a marketplace with a variety of freshly made food offerings to satisfy any palate. Being surrounded by so much mouthwatering food makes narrowing down your choices very difficult and you must be very careful not to mistake the restaurant for a buffet.

Upon entering, the hostess presents you with a plastic card which is swiped at every station when you request food or drink. The cost of the food is put onto the card and tallied by the cashier at the end of the visit. Speaking from experience, the food can easily add up as you wander around the “market” with a wooden tray, your eyes bigger than your stomache.

Foccacia station at Marche Restaurant Yonge St. TorontoOyster station at Marche Restaurant TorontoCafe bar with barrels at Marche Movenpick TorontoCupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries at Marche Movenpick Restaurant TorontoSitting area in Marche Restaurant Yonge Street in TorontoOnce you’ve selected your food, meander through the restaurant with your loaded tray to the seating areas. These are designed with different themes like “Scandinavian Cabin”, “Paris Cafe”, “Art Deco Lounge” to further add to the dining experience. My favourite is the French Bistro zone which has a very mellow European atmosphere.

I was able to snap some of these photos because I  was at the restaurant for an early morning visit. Most of the diners were business men and guests of the surrounding hotels. However, come lunch and dinner time, it is not unusual to find a line up outside the entrance. No matter time of day, the friendly staff make sure that each visit is smooth and enjoyable.

Interior view of bistro cafe with mirror wall at Marche Restaurant in TorontoLarge french clock in Marche TorontoInterior view of bistro cafe in Marche Movenpick Restaurant | Yonge Street TorontoAnd it wouldn’t be a complete visit to Marché if I didn’t indulge in a large Belgian waffle with strawberries, maple syrup and real whip cream. I will skip any savoury entree just to get my hands on this breakfast come dessert.

Belgian waffle with strawberries and whip at Marche Restaurant in TorontoI hope you give Marché a try on your next visit to Toronto. I promise you won’t be disappointed!